FAQ - Manage

Modified on Mon, 21 Nov, 2022 at 2:30 PM



Q: What invitation email do my employees get from Kenjo?

A: Go to Settings > Welcome Wizard to find the invitation email message your employees will receive with their invitation to Kenjo. You can customize the default invitation message and basic information about your company, in English, German and Spanish. As Kenjo is available in English, German, and Spanish, they will receive the Welcome message in the language you selected when creating their personal profiles.

Q: How do I create an employee field?

A: Go to Settings > Employee fields, choose an employee field category and click on (+) ADD CUSTOM FIELD to add a new employee field with a name and a field type. The standard fields that Kenjo offers cannot be modified. You can read the article on our Helpcenter to learn more.

Q: Can I delete the default employee profiles created by Kenjo?

A: You cannot delete or modify the default profiles in Profiles and permissions. However, you can create custom profiles, remove employees from specific profiles or delete the custom profiles you previously created. To learn more about this topic, check our article Managing Profiles and permissions.

Q: Can my tax advisor also use Kenjo?

A: You can create an account for your tax advisor in your Kenjo organization by going to People Directory and clicking (+) ADD NEW EMPLOYEE. Make sure to select the right Profile for them, so they have access to all the information they need. Take a look at our article about Profiles and permissions to learn more about this

Q: What does Kenjo look like for my employees?

A: The layout of Kenjo is the same for everyone who uses the software. Depending on the profiles assigned to them, your employees will have different levels of access to information and features in Kenjo. 

Q: Can I switch an employee's working days from five days to four?

A: Yes. You can click on the employee's profile under People Directoryvisit their personal section and scroll down to "work schedule". By clicking on CHANGE WORK SCHEDULE, you can edit their working days. 

Time off

Q: How do I create time-off types? 

A: Add all types of Time off relevant to your company and their policies in the Settings > Overview > Features > Time off > SettingsPlease follow the steps in this article to properly create time-off types.

Q: What is the difference between a time off type and a policy?    

A: Time off types refer to those absences your company allows, such as Vacation, Sickness, Maternal or Parental Leave, among others. Policies are the rules under which each time-off type operates. For example, your company could have two different Vacation policies: one for permanent employees and one for temporary employees. Go to our article about Creating time offs to learn more about this topic.

Q: Can I assign multiple time offs to one employee?

A: You can assign multiple time-off types (e.g. vacation, sick leave, home office) to the same employee. However, if a time-off type has two policies, you can only assign one of the two to the same employee.

Q: I want two different colleagues to approve an employee’s time-off request. How do I set this up?

A: Kenjo allows you to set a Two-step approval process for Time off requests. Check the following article to learn how to set this up.

Q: If I edit a time off policy, would it be automatically updated for all employees?

A: The edits you make to time off policies that are currently assigned to employees will only be updated for the next cycle.

Q: How can I adjust the time-off policies assigned to current employees?

A: You can adjust the time-off policies manually by going to Time off > Company, and selecting the employee whose policy you want to adjust. Click on the three dots that appear when you scroll the bar to the right of the screen. Here you will have the option to either adjust the balance or adjust the amount taken. 

Q: How can I understand the balance of an employee's time off?

A: Go to Time off > Company and select the employee whose time off balance you want to check. You’ll reach the Time-off screen of this employee. Scroll down until you see the history of all requests logged in this employee's Time off history. You can filter by Time off type for easier reading. Toggle the button "Show policy updates" if you want to see all details regarding balance assignment, updates, and manual adjustments done by the system and the admins. 

Q: How should I proceed when I want to make changes to carry over days settings?

A: Go to Settings > Time off > Settings, and choose the Time off type whose carry-over days you want to enable or edit. At the bottom of the page, you will find all existing policies for that Time off type. Click on the three dots icon > Edit policy. Under Advanced options, you will be able to enable the option “Carry over to next year”, define the maximum number of days that can be carried over and select the date in which they will expire.

Q: I am trying to assign time off policies to new employees. Despite having activated them, I do not see them listed under Time off > Company. What can I do?

A: Bear in mind that when you're listing employees in the window Time off > Company, the left-hand filters remain the same between sessions. It might be the case that you have filtered your results before by, let's say, time off type, which is preventing you from finding new employees who, by default, have no time off policies assigned. Try selecting all the filters.

Q: If a new vacation policy is assigned to an employee, are vacation days adjusted automatically?

A: Yes. Kenjo makes a calculation adding the days that correspond to the old policy multiplied by the percentage of the year that has passed, and the days that correspond to the new policy multiplied by the percentage remaining.

For example: 

  • Balance from the old policy - 24 days
  • Balance from the new policy - 36 days
  • Change of policy on 01.03 (more or less 1/6 of the year) 

Therefore, the calculation that Kenjo will do is the following:

24 * (1/6) + 36 * (5/6) = 34 days.

Note: you can always adjust that number before saving changes.

Q: How can I convert overtime into a time off?

A: Create a new time off type "Overtime compensation". Then, create a time off policy also called "Overtime compensation". Set this up exactly the same as your vacation policy with the following exception: 

  • Balance "0" 
  • No carry over to next year

As soon as you convert overtime into a time off type, the days are credited to this account. In addition, you can then also pull reports to have a better overview of this time off type. 

Q: Can I assign a time off on a non working day?

A: If you want to assign an employee time off on a day they do not usually work, you have to temporarily change the non working day to a working day in their personal profile in order to do so. 

Q: What do I need to consider when entering a time off in the past (e.g. sick leave)?

A: You need to make sure to check the employee's attendance history first. If an attendance was registered on that day, entering a time off is not possible. 


Q: My workflow is not working. What can I do?

A: First, check that you have set up your workflow correctly. Please, go carefully through the steps in our article Creation of email templates and workflows to spot what might be causing the problem. One recurring mistake is to set different Objects when creating a workflow and assigning an Email Template. Make sure both Objects are always the same. 

Q: How can I find out if a workflow has been triggered?

A: Go to one of your employee's personal profiles (who would have been affected by that specific workflow) > Personal. On the right side of the screen, click on TRIGGER WORKFLOW. You will see all the workflow history, which shows all the workflows that have been triggered for this particular employee.

Q: How can I add links to an email template? 

A: To add links to text or images on your Email templates, go to Settings > Email templatesChoose the email and click on Custom HTML. You can find more information on how to add links and images to your email templates here.

Q: Can I set up a workflow triggered by one of my subordinates getting a pay raise?

A: Yes. Start by creating a custom field "Salary" under Settings > Employee Fields. Then you can select it in the workflow. Now, you can create your Workflow as follows:

  • Object: Employee
  • Trigger: Employee updated
  • Schedule: Immediately after
  • Filter: 
    • Salary - has been changed
    • Reports to - equals to - specific employee

The workflow is now only triggered when the salary has changed for employees who report to you. 

Smart docs

Q: Do employees get a message when a document is uploaded to Kenjo?

A: Depends on the type of document. There are two cases:

  • The system sends an email notification automatically whenever a document has been uploaded in their profile via Smart Docs > Employee docs. Therefore, this only applies for the upload of documents for single employees. 
  • Whenever you request a Digital signature, the employee will also receive an email notification requiring hir or her signature. 

Q: Can I upload multiple documents at once?

A: Yes. Go to Smart docs > Import and drop the files you want to upload. This option is only available for Admin and HR Admin profiles. Learn more about how to upload files correctly in this article.

Q: How do I upload payslips into Kenjo?

A: Go to Smart docs > Import, click on Payslips and upload the files. The system will detect the employee names and personal data automatically and will assign each page of the payslip document to each respective employee. If some pages are not automatically assigned, you can assign them manually. Each employee will have access only to the pages assigned to them, by going to Smart docs > My docs. Check our article Upload HR documents and templates in Kenjo to learn more about this topic.

Q: I uploaded the payslips using the option Import > Payslips, but they were not assigned correctly. What should I do?

A: To understand how the Split & Assign algorithm in Import > Payslips work, refer to the section "Import" in this article. Now, the problem might be that some information on the employee's profile doesn't match the information that appears in his or her payslip.

Let's say that the employee's name is 'Carlos', and his last name is 'Fernandez Alguacil'. The algorithim will extract the following terms in the PDF file, remove spaces between terms, and then match those terms with the employe''s profile fields. Therefore, the algorithm will try to match any of the following terms:

  • First name and last name: ‘CarlosFernandezAlguacil’
  • Last name and first name: ‘FernandezAlguacilCarlos'
  • First name, comma and last name: ‘Carlos,FernandezAlguacil’
  • Last name, comma and first name: ‘FernandezAlguacil,Carlos’
  • National insurance number
  • National ID
  • Tax Code
  • Passport
  • DisplayName: ‘CarlosFernandez'

Make sure these terms appear correctly in the employee's profile before making the import. 


Q: How do I activate time tracking for individual employees?

A: Go to the profile of the Employee > Personal, and under Actions on the right side of the screen, click ENABLE ATTENDANCE TRACKING.

Q: Overtime is not automatically tracked. How do I set this up?

A: Go to Settings > Features > Attendance > Settings. Under General > Overtime compensation, toggle the Activate overtime compensation button to enable the tracking.
Next, click 
Edit compensation summary. In this screen, select all employees who will be tracking Overtime and click the button SETTINGS to adjust all settings for their attendance. 

Q: What actions can I perform manually in terms of overtime balance?

A: As an Admin, you can manually adjust the overtime balance of an employee, convert the overtime to time off, or payout overtime to an employee. Learn more here

Q: How can I recalculate the overtime balance of a specific employee?

A: Under People > Select an employee > Attendance, click the Details button next to Overtime. Click RECALCULATE to trigger overtime recalculation for the employee. You can learn more here.

Q: Over hours are not transferred into the next month. How do I set this up?

A: Go to Settings > Features > Attendance > Settings. Under General > Overtime Compensation, toggle the Activate overtime compensation button to enable the tracking of overtime hours. Next, click Edit compensation summary. In this screen, select all employees who should have their overtime transferred into the next month, and click the button SETTINGS. Enable the option “Transfer to next month”.

Q: Where can I see the overtime amount of a specific employee?

A: Go to the profile of the Employee > Attendance and you will see their current Overtime balance. You can check the overtime balance over the previous months by changing the time period you are checking. Using the DATE RANGE view, you can also check the Overtime balance in a specific period of time. Learn more here

Q: The system does not count every extra hour. How do I set it up?

A: Go to Settings > Attendance > Settings > Overtime compensation > Edit compensation summary and select the employee or employees in question. Use the button SETTINGS. Here you can adjust the settings for all selected employees. If you want to start counting all overtime hours, remove any existing waivers.

Q: Can I create a waiver for extra hours?

A: Yes. You can choose if a certain amount of overtime should be waived per day, week, or month. Go to Settings > Attendance > Settings > Overtime compensation > Edit compensation summary and select the employee/employees whose extra time you would like to be waived. Once you have selected them, click on SETTINGS. In the section Waiver, press Yes and choose after how many days/weeks/months overtime will start accruing.

Q: How do I avoid my employees making changes to past Attendance tracking? What are the options?

A: You can create a custom profile under Settings > Profile and Permissions > PROFILES (+). Set the permissions that you want to grant to this particular employee or group of employees, and in the Attendance section, make sure to not check “Edit my own attendance details” nor “Edit individual attendance details of all employees”. Once your profile is fully set up, save the changes and assign it to the employee or group of employees.

Q: If I link a fingerprint clocking hardware and Kenjo via API, how long does it take for the clocking information to appear in Kenjo? Is it immediate, does it take a few hours, until the end of the day...?

A: The API changes will be shown immediately. Be aware that this may depend on the strategy of the customer when doing the integration between their clocking hardware and Kenjo. For example, some customers want to send the data from their device to Kenjo every 15 minutes, others immediately, others every night. The bottom line is that as soon as the API receives the data, it will be reflected in Kenjo.

Digital Signature

Q: What types of files can I sign with a Digital Signature?

A: PDFs and Word documents can be signed. Please ensure that the documents you use are not password-protected, as the digital signature process would fail.

Q: Do Admins' signatures count to reduce the number of credits/envelops?

A: Yes. The signature of all the different profiles in Kenjo counts equally to reduce the number of credits or envelops.

Q: Are my credits/envelops consumed per document or per signature?

A: It depends on the type of the signature delivery mode. In simultaneous or parallel delivery mode, each recipient will consume one credit/envelop individually. Consequently, there will be as many credits consumed as signing parties. For sequential signature, however, only one credit is consumed regardless of the number of signing parties or receipts.

Q: Can I sign by including an image of my signature?

A: No. Documents must be signed by drawing your signature with a mouse, trackpad, electronic pencil, or finger. 

Q: Do I have a maximum number of recipients for an E-Signature in a document?

A: Yes. You can have up to 40 contacts per signature request in a document. This includes signers and recipients in copy (CC). 

Q: Do cancel or rejected signatures still count as a used signature?

A: Yes. The certification process for an E-Signature starts from the first moment the request is sent, no matter how the process will end up (canceled, rejected, or signed). 


Q: Can all employees' Google calendars be integrated with one global Google calendar so they can see the availability of all their colleagues?

A: Yes. First, export the URL and create one Google Calendar (eg. "Holiday") and then make it public for your organization.


Q: If an employee has a shift on the 1st day of the month, and their shift is from 10:00pm to 6:00am (8h belonging to day 1) would these hours count for day 1 or for day 2 of the month?

A: They will count for the 1st day of the month. 

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